Medical Matters

If your child is unfortunately taken ill or has a minor accident at school, there are medical facilities and trained first aiders for them to be cared for until you can collect them.


In the case of a more serious accident that cannot be dealt with in school, parents or carers will be contacted immediately. If necessary, we would arrange for your child to be taken to a local hospital.




Any allergies should be advised to the school office.


We have several children in school with severe nut allergies and therefore request that no nut products (including peanut butter or Nutella) are brought into school.



At Warren Dell we emphasise the importance of high attendance. Attendance of above 97% is rewarded with certificates and prizes. Minor illnesses do not require absence from school however should your child have an infectious illness please follow the guidelines below and notify school of their absence by 9am.


Links to the NHS website have been provided for your information




Any child with sickness and/or diarrhoea should be kept at home and must be clear for 48 hours before they return to school

  • NHSDiarrhoea and vomiting


Children may return to school when all spots have crusted over

  • NHSChicken Pox


There is no need for absence from school

  • NHSConjunctivitis


There is no need for absence from school

  • NHSSlapped cheek syndrome


Children may return to school when the wound is dry and healing or 48 hours after antibiotic treatment is started.


Our policy is to have 1 inhaler and volumatic , a signed permission slip and an asthma card for every child diagnosed with asthma.


If you feel your child needs their inhaler administered during school please let the office or your child's class teacher know. Otherwise it will only be given when needed.



Please be vigilant when washing your child's hair and deal with any infestation. If head lice are observed in school, all children in the affected class will bring a note home.


Medication can be administered if prescribed by a doctor. On the first day of administration in school, the medication should be brought to the school office and a permission slip signed by the parent or carer.



The school nurse will check the height and weight of children in Reception and Year 6 and vision and hearing in Year 1.


The School nurse will contact you if there are any causes for concern.