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Parent Advice and Useful Links
Pupils thrive at this vibrant school. Older and younger pupils play together with kindness and enthusiasm. Staff have incredibly high expectations for what pupils can achieve. The school has designed a curriculum that clearly sets out the knowledge pupils will learn. Ofsted 2024
At Warren Dell we are very proud of the trust placed in us by parents. Working in partnership with you, we aim to ensure every child achieves his or her full potential, feels safe and happy at school and develops a love of learning. We expect the best from our children and we help them to do their best. We put every effort into ensuring our children become confident, considerate citizens.
We encourage parents to become increasingly involved in their child's education and provide lots of opportunities for our wider community to get involved in the everyday life of our school. We welcome comments and suggestions for how to improve.
We have included some useful information on this page, but please contact us for any further information.
The School Day
- 8.35am gates open
- 8.40am Morning Challenge Activities including handwriting, maths fluency and problem solving, fine motor skills activities.
- 8.45am Registration
- 10.45am Morning Break
- 12.00pm Reception and KS1 lunch break. Nursery finish
- 12.30pm KS2 lunch break
- 1pm Afternoon session starts for Reception and KS1
- 1.15pm Afternoon session starts for KS2
- 3.15pm End of school day
Please make sure you bring your child to school on time as it can be very unsettling for them and others in the class if they arrive late. At the end of the day, please collect your child on time or telephone the office if you are delayed. We only allow children to be collected by someone you have nominated.
All classes take part in the 'Ready to Learn' Award. Each week, classes gain points for having the correct uniform, being punctual, attending every day, completing their homework and for having their PE kit.
At Warren Dell we emphasise the importance of high attendance. Every term we award children with certificates for attendance over 97%. We also thank parents for supporting their child's good attendance.
However, if your child is unwell, and unable to attend school, we ask that you inform the school office before 9am in order for the register to be completed. If we do not hear from you, we will ring to find out why your child is not in school. Please only keep your child off if their illness is infectious or they are too ill to attend. Good attendance is an important habit that will support your child’s future learning.
If you are planning a holiday or trip to visit relatives, please plan this during the school holidays. The local authority attendance officer monitors the attendance of all children at least once a term. As a school we aim for every child’s attendance to be 97%. The DfE has published statutory guidance for all schools that must be followed from 18th August 2024.
Advising pupil's progress
We hold two parents’ consultations each year, one in the Autumn Term and the other in the Spring Term. If your child is in Year 1-6 we have introduced a system called Assertive Mentoring. At the end of each half term every child meets with their class teacher and thinks about their progress and attitude to learning. A copy of this is sent home every half term. You do not have to wait for these meetings or the information sent home. If you want to discuss your child at any other time please telephone the school or email your child’s class teacher. You will receive a written report towards the end of the Summer term.
Parent Support
We are part of HABS and have a family support worker allocated to us. She can support in many ways outside of school including medical appointments and support for introducing new routines and boundaries at home.
Please contact the school office or speak to Mrs Morley or Mrs Barton who will be able to signpost you for support.
Young carers and supporters
We have a group in school for young carers and supporters for children in from Reception to Year 6. This is for children who might have a brother or sister with a long term illness or additional need or if they have a close member of family with a long term illness. If you think your child would benefit from this please speak to Mrs Dynan via the school office.
Who to contact with a question, worry or concern
The first person to talk to is your child’s class teacher, but you can pass a concern to any member of staff and they will make sure it is dealt with. The class teachers' email addresses are on the class pages. You can talk to the Head teacher or Deputy Head teachers, please speak to them as they greet the children in the morning or telephone the school. We have a complaints policy on our Policies page. If you have a complaint about the Head teacher, you can contact the Chair of Governors.
Helping in school
We are very grateful to parents, family and friends who give their time to help in school. You can come and help with all aspects of school life including cooking, computers or sports activities. You might want to come for an hour each week or for longer. All regular volunteers must be subject to safeguarding checks. If you can offer your help, contact Mrs Morley at school. We also hold many fund raising events such as the Summer Fair and school disco and we welcome help from parents.