School Milk - Dairylink

Parents can now regisiter and order their child's milk with Dairylink's online ordering system.

Please visit their website .

• You will need to click on the 'order milk' tab, register with us, add your child/children on the 'children' tab. (Please check your spam folder should you not receive your confirmation email).


• Click on the 'payments' tab and you will then be able to select as many terms or half terms as you wish to pay for. You will receive an automated email as a reminder to place your orders for the relevant term.


• Please input their date of birth and the system will allow to order without paying for the milk. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL NEED TO BE PAID FOR FROM MONDAY OF THE WEEK OF THEIR 5TH BIRTHDAY. You will receive a reminder email for this - it will need to be ordered by Tuesday the week before the free milk expires.


• If your child receives free milk under the FSM scheme then please contact the school, you do not need to register online.

Please can you ensure that when your child moves into the next year group, you change their class in their details as otherwise they may not receive their milk.

Please also note –to start on the online ordering scheme for Summer term 2025, you will l need to register and order with DairyLink 4th April 2025 at the latest.

If you need anything further, please contact Stephanie at or on 01785 286823