The School Day

  • 8.35am gates open
  • 8.40am Morning Challenge Activities including handwriting, maths fluency and problem solving, fine motor skills activities.
  • 8.45am Registration
  • 10.45am Morning Break
  • 12.00pm Reception and KS1 lunch break. Nursery finish
  • 12.30pm KS2 lunch break
  • 1pm Afternoon session starts for Reception and KS1
  • 1.15pm Afternoon session starts for KS2
  • 3.15pm End of school day

Please make sure you bring your child to school on time as it can be very unsettling for them and others in the class if they arrive late. At the end of the day, please collect your child on time or telephone the office if you are delayed. We only allow children to be collected by someone you have nominated.

All classes take part in the 'Ready to Learn' Award. Each week, classes gain points for having the correct uniform, being punctual, attending every day, completing their homework and for having their PE kit.