Special Educational Needs

SEND Information Report - currently under review 

The Special Education Needs or Disability (SEND) Information Report below may be of use to you if your child has (or you think they may have) SEND. The definition of Special Educational Needs or Disability is: 

A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions 

(SEND Code of Practice 2015).

Under the new Code of Practice four broad areas of need are given: 

  • Communication and Interaction 
  • Cognition and Learning 
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health 
  • Sensory/Physical 

However, pupils’ needs may change and often cut across two or more of these areas. 

We hope you find the below report useful. If you have any further questions please contact the school’s qualified Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Barton.

If you have a complaint about the provision for your child, in the first instance please contact our SENCO

Further information on the complaints procedure can be found here: 


We believe that all children have the entitlement to learning experiences which will enable them to achieve their maximum potential in terms of their social, emotional and academic development. We teach all of our children that ‘Fair isn’t equal, fair is when everyone gets what they need.’ 

At Warren Dell, we are proud not only to hold the Inclusion Quality Mark but to be recognised by them as a ‘Flagship School for Inclusion’. The following is an extract from our latest review report: 

‘Warren Dell has been a Flagship School for the Inclusion Quality Mark for four years and has achieved many other awards and quality marks, which externally validate the excellent work that the school does. 

Underpinning everything Warren Dell does is the school’s motto ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ and the belief that all children are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve their maximum potential. This is expressed through the statement: ‘Fair isn’t equal, fair is when everyone gets what they need.’ Walking around the school and speaking to staff and pupils it is evident that this is in place, for example through resources, approaches to teaching, the curriculum, assemblies, displays, attitudes and behaviour. It is particularly noticeable in the school’s approach to pupils with special needs and its Cherry Tree transition classes. 

There is a friendly, welcoming atmosphere throughout the whole school. From the preschool provision to Year 6 pupils are very calm, engaged in their lessons and well behaved.’ 

We are proud to have opened a Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) in September 2023. The SRP will provide 12 spaces for children with EHCPs, years 1-6, with their main area of need being communication and interaction (speech and language and/or autism) and who have the potential to successfully access the mainstream class some of the time. Please click the below link to find out more information about this or contact or SENCo Kbarton@warrendell.herts.sch.uk

SRP Information